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Yes, we all know I'm a terrible blogger. Here's my attempt to catch you up. :)
We spent the first week of December in Mexico with friends.
Our 2012 Christmas card cover:
M with her favorite Christmas gift (a $10 giraffe she calls Loxie)
M's first sleep over (with her cousins at Grammy & Grandpas). She did great, and we were so proud.
Easter with her cousins (yes, she's got another one) :)
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Two years ago today, we spent our first night together as a family in Ethiopia. It seems like just yesterday, but at the same time, ages ago. I remember it all vividly, but this beautiful face reminds me that we've come so far. We continue to grow and learn and love and heal. She is our joy, and we love her so much. Today we celebrate our Family Day.
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We attended the Ethiopian New Year celebration and Maeve got her face painted. She was perfectly still and absolutely loved it.
We are so happy that we got to go to Ireland for a family visit. It was M's first time meeting many of them. She was spoiled rotten and had a great time. :)
One of my favoriotes of her onthe beach near her aunt's house.
Giving lots of love to her Great Aunt Maeve.
At home, splashing in puddles with Daddy.
She's Three!!! Taking pictures in her new dress that she got as a new year present.

Birthday party at the park/creek by our house with friends and family.
Halloween as Doc McStuffins
"Fat Turkey" I helped her make for Thanksgiving.
As you can see, we've been having a lot of fun and making memories. Time is passing too quickly :)
Now on to Christmas and even more memories.
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Obviously, I've been very bad at keeping up the blog, so here's a pictorial update of our summer so far:
Easter Family
M's day-car/Pre-school does "school pictures". This is her's (2.5 yrs old). So stinking' cute.
We're happy to report that she became fully potty trained at 2.5 yrs and just recently moved into her "big-girl bed", which she loves.
We've been going to a lot of parties this summer :)
Here we are at a friend's daughter's graduation party. The family is Ethiopian, and the feast was amazing (notice the huge grins on our faces).
This is one of M's classmates parties. First time at Chucky Cheese.
She did not like that big mouse (as expected).
Having fun at her cousins' birthday parties.
Summer time fun party with good friends.
M wasn't feeling well, but we were able to briefly attend the ESFNA soccer tournament and cultural day.
I lucked out at got to meet chef Marcus Samuelsson at Whole foods!
We had a fun but hot day at Sandy Lake Park with my sister and her family.
It's hard to believe our girl will be 3 yrs old in two months. The time really does fly, which is why I don't waste much of it blogging LOL :) We have some traveling ahead of us over the next several weeks....then birthdays and anniversaries...and before you know it, the holidays will be well on their way.
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We've also been doing a lot of hair. :) Her hair is growing so long and starting to fill in nicely. Depending on the style, it usually lasts for a week and takes about an hour to do. I love doing it and she loves showing off her hair to daddy and to "her kids" at school. :)
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We were beyond blessed to host the reunion of our adoption travel group (three families we traveld with on both trips to Ethiopia...all first time parets...all kids around 2 yrs old). We had so much fund, and the kids did really well.
We went to the Fort Worth Zoo.
Played a lot and really enjoyed being together. It was as if no time had passed, like we were all just in Ethiopia a few days ago. Love these families!
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Please forgive this "catch up" blog entry. I'm much more current on Facebook ;)
We celebrated Ethiopian Christmas with a small get together at our house...and my first attempt at cooking Ethioipan food. It was a great night!
We were so happy to have Mark's brother, sister-in-law, and sister in town from Chicago and Phoenix for a long weekend. We took them to our favorite Ethiopian restaurant, which was a huge hit.