Madine Family



Here is a very basic time line.
There are a  lot of steps to the home study and dossier, but I won't bore you with that.

Apply to Holt (12/15/09)
Apply to Home Study Agency(12/28/09)
Joint Interview(1/27/10)
Jo's Interview(2/3/10)
Mark's Interview(2/15/10)
Home Study Approved(3/20/10)
Dossier Sent to Holt (Officially on the Wait list) (3/31/10)
Sent in I600-A Application to USCIS (immigration paperwork)(4/1/10)
Dossier Arrives in Ethiopia (4/28/2010)
Fingerprinting appointment (5/12/2010)
Referral (match with child)(5/11/2010) 7month old beautiful girl!
Receive I-171H Approval from USCIS
Ethiopian Court Date Assigned (our first trip to ET) (7/22 assigned Sept 28th)
Pass Court (We passed-very first Holt family to pass court in ET) (Sept 28th)
Visa Appointment Scheduled (11/5 scheduled for 11/30/2010 (our second trip to ET)
Book Travel